
Friday, November 29, 2019

How to make a sandwich

How to make a sandwich
Step one 
Get two bit of bread
Step two 
Get the butter out
Step three 
Get a butter knife out
Step four 
Butter the bread

Step five 
Get the ham out
Step six 
Get the cheese 
Step seven 
Put the ham and cheese on the bread

And the last step 
Put the bread bits together and eat it and now you have a ham and cheese sandwich. 

how to make a card

Using algorithm in our writing. How to make a card.
How to make a card
1.Get a lot of color paper 
2. Get a pen or a pencil

3. Get a glue stick
4. Get two bits and glue them together 
5.Write their name a little message and who it’s from. 
6. Fold it in half 
7. Write or draw on the back and front
8. Give it to them
and you’re done.

10 words and the meaning of them

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior
of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.

a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line,
indentation, or numbering.

a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.

a large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard.

the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them, eaten as a light meal.

well known from long or close association.

a substance used to give a different, stronger, or more agreeable taste to food or drink.

not guilty of a crime or offence.

a ghost.

How to use spark lines on a graph

1. go on to your graph
2.write in you days of the week
3. and write down the side what you doing every day of the week
4. when you write the first one it then put down the other side sparklines and it should show up
and then when you put in the other ones for the days that you do it then it will change as you put them in and it has help me to show how much i have improved

would you ever use this ?

How my math has been

in my math's group I wasn't really here as you may see on the graph I think I did a lot better than at the start of the year and I think I did do well for the days I was here though.

and this week on Monday I wasn't here because I was sick and then I tried coming on Tuesday when we did one of the tests and I wasn't here on Wednesday because I nearly feinted.
on Thursday we have technology so we didn't have math so there for we couldn't do it.
and i got 10 out of 10 today.

I think I like it better now in math's because I understand it a lot more than I ever have had because my lovely teacher Sharon has help me and she is so amazing thank you Sharon. 

letter to the year 6's

In tangaroa we have normally literacy, maths, silent reading, and p.e. And if it's in summer than there
would be swimming and with all my work has improved and I hope your work improved as well and there
is an amazing teacher that will help you so don't worry but if you need help just ask they will be so nice
about it.

If you are feeling worried about coming in to tangaroa and adapting to a new class it’s not all bad
because when you find the right group for you and make sure it’s right  than you should fit in fast.

You don't just half to try and fit into a group just like that there are many ways but this was the way I did
it to adapt faster than I normally would. 

But the work isn't that hard it’s like in the other class at Rawhiti school there is literacy, maths, inquiry,
silent reading and if it’s it summer and the pool is opened then we would have swimming.

What we do in swimming:
Well we do 6 lengths of the pool and then we have the rest of free time.  I haven't been swimming yet
but i think i would start because its not meant to go below 20 °C this whole week and weekend so I
think I definitely starting to swim again.

What we do in maths:
Its like any other maths we got to choose what we want to keep learning i wanted to do fractions
because I didn't know that much about it so i chose it and sharon it doing the fractions she helps me
a lot with it and know I understand it way better than before.

What we do in literacy:
For literacy i am in nogo group. We do challenging work like Arguments, short stories, long stories,
novels and even test but there not all that bad anymore because nogo help me understand all of it and
now I can do all my work faster I am glad i am finishing all my work and even more work than i am
meant to and maybe you will to.

What we do in silent reading:
Well it says in its name silent reading we can not get up and walk around we stay seated for 30 minutes
or more and if you finish your book than you should have gotten more books because you have to start
reading the book again.

What we do in inquiry:
Well when we were doing the science me and three of my friends wanted to do the hokey pokey now t
his was very fun in some ways at the end though there was a lot of drama of who was  getting it at the
time it was fun drama but now in release i wish i wasn't in the drama. And now in inquiry we are doing i
movies and they are really fun activity and i know it takes a lot of time to get it right so don't panic it
always will take some time.

Thank you for reading

Friday, November 22, 2019


The Tokens are a privilege if we are caught doing something good in the playground we will get a token that we would take to the offices and put it in three options there was pool party, dance party and movie day so you can go in and put it into what ever one you would want to do and they don't do it every week they do it when it gets full and the one that won was pool party and well we cant fit six hundred kids into a pool so what we are doing is going by our swimming time my class the year seven and eight have got the best time its 2:15 to 3:00 pm normally if we have plan a pool party out side of school the we would have it 5:30 to 6:30 pm put since it is for our tokens it isn't witch is kinda a good thing so then everyone will be there but i'm not swimming because i didn't bring my togs  and well then i will be watching witch i am very happy with and also today is mufti day and today is going so well so i think so far hopefully it keeps going good and if it is then i am going to be in a good mood and will probably go home and clean and get along with everyone probably not thought