
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

world war 1 facts

                                                                  world war 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1. In 1914 Europe was divided between two major alliance systems – the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2. Britain and Germany were engaged in a naval arms race in the early 20th century                                                                                                                                                                                               3. The combined Russian & French peacetime armies in 1913-14 had 928,000 more troops than Germany & Austria Hungary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4. After two Balkan wars in 1912 and 1913, Serbia emerged as an empowered, nationalistic state                                                                                                                                                                             16 million people died and 32 countries took part in the war

would you have been brave and took part in the war

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

This Week In Maths d

This week in my maths we are doing test every day some of the test are hard and other are easy but they start off easy and then get harder and harder. There are two groups working together Mr Redmond and Sharons. We are woking on our %  they are really easy when you figure out what they  actually mean and now that I know what they mean I can figure out my percentage really easy and in a fun way I don't halt to ask for help or say it's to hard to work out and i'm giving up and not trying and getting really angry at it I can keep focused on my work and try me best, hardest and keep focused on one little bit of work.
I think I have really  improved in my maths sinus I have been in Tangaroa I thought before I came into Tangaroa I wouldn't be ready so I told my teacher that I don't think i'm ready so we keep  on working and working and now that i'm in here I think I was ready when I thought I wasn't because with my old class we didn't have silent reading we had it one time but everyone was talking instead of reading and we didn't really get told off but now that i'm in Tangaroa I and reading quietly and getting a lot of more work done and trying my hardest to learn a lot more and to be honest it's working better in this class that i'm in now then it was in my last class

Today 27.8.19

Today me and my friend are doing a thing where we have to get the most people to sing our books he has 25 and i have 19 but i'm going to get more i want to get the teachers to sing hopefully i win and well we are doing it for the rest of the week or year but i might have a chance of winning

Thursday, August 15, 2019

hokey Pokey

This term for my since I am working with Maddy, Maiah and Starlet we decided to make hokey pokey. We didn't let it boil for enough time before putting in the baking soda it didn't really boil at all. We let it harden overnight but when we came back in the morning it didn't work it was to sticky and tasted like brown sugar. But we know what to do for next time and we can do it differently but even though it was done correctly it was still fun to make and next time we can do it correctly and then it might tasted a lot better hopefully. I think this time we didn't really work as a team so it didn't work we were not really working as a team  but next time we should work as a team. This is the link to the recipe that we used Hokey Pokey Recipe - The Recipe we used

Friday, August 9, 2019

Three Fly's In The All Blacks Changing room

Three fly’s In The All Blacks Changing room
From the fly’s point of view:
“There was a team that was losing 3 nil. They were talking about a game plan to win and get
back up to where they need to be there was a little be of disagreement was going on but right
before they went no of the other half they got together and said”. 

said fly 1 "What we need to do is to work as a team”.
“If we don’t win then it doesn't matter at lest we got out there and played we going to work as a
team because we all know we can”. “Keep trying because that’s what our team does and we
can’t give up and try your hardest you can do it just don’t think of how many people there or
what people are saying keep your mind on winning and on the ball and maybe we might win”
but most importantly just try it don't matter if we don’t win.

"They got out there and tried and they came back into the changing room and look so
happy” says fly 2.

"Our work paid off come on let's get into a circle and said our work paid off if we keep it up
and we will be winning all our games because we are working as an amazing team and
hopefully we work better as a team every game we play” the team says.

coach said “team on three to finish up the day”

everyone dose one,two,three team

coach: "now get home and rest".

Science part (2)

In my  science I am doing elephant toothpaste but after we finish our first experiment then we get to do  another one and i'm in a group with Kyralee and we both want to do hokey pokey after this and we need to get most of the ingredients so then we can get started and then after we do that  then we can do hokey pokey hopefully they both work out I am getting food colouring and Kyralee doesn't want to get anything  so I think we need to ask Mr Redmond to get the other ingredients so then we can do the elephant toothpaste an then do the hokey pokey I am so glad i'm working with Kyralee  we actually get most of our work done on time and if we dot have that much time then we take our work home and instead of going home and sleeping or eating or doing the other important things that we do when we going home we will grab our things that we will need and sit down and do work sometime when I am doing my work I cant focus so I wonder off for like twenty to forty minutes and then get back into my work when I am wording off i spend most of the time  with my nephew listening to music and plying around but when I go back to school I still haft to do a little thing on my work.

how do you finish your work on time?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

How To Write a Comment

How To Write a Comment 

what you need to have to write a comment 

  • a nice attached
  • no put-downs
  • leave a  positive answer or question
  • make there day 
  • give them positive feedback   
  • competent their work 
  • add a question that the author might want to reply   

what else do you think i need to put in this ?