
Friday, July 27, 2018

Why do we need sleep

              Why do we need sleep
  1. We need sleep because it’s important for all
  2. of us to sleep or our body’s don’t work the
  3. same or we all have 4 important in the hole
  4. world 1.sleep Eat 4. Thinking.
Why is thinking important?
  2) why is thinking important to me because if
i don’t     before i act then i don’t know what will
happen so that why          we need sleep to think.
Why is fitness important?
3)fitness is important to all of us. Because it is  running,walk your dog
and doing PE and everything else like that.
Why do we need to eat?
4) eating is important because if we don’t eat then we starve and
we don't get healthy sometimes we get anorexic and other times we don’t.
Why do we need sleep
5) we need sleep because we can leave our eyes open for to long tha
t is also why we blink and why we need to sleep but only one on the  
resin the other one is why do we haft to sleep? We haft to sleep so we aren't
tired or sleepy im normally t

  would you try this?